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PwnMe-CTF Quals 2025-web-ProfileEditor


ProfileEditor - Web Challenge

In this Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge, I tackled a Flask-based web application and uncovered a classic path traversal vulnerability. By registering a cleverly crafted username, logging in, and navigating to the profile page, I retrieved the hidden flag with just a few clicks. This writeup walks through my journey—how I spotted the flaw, exploited it, and snagged the flag—while sharing insights to make it both fun and educational. Let’s dive in!

The Challenge Setup

The application was a straightforward user management system built with Flask, offering a handful of features:

  • Registration (/register): Create an account with a username and password.
  • Login (/login): Log in to access protected features.
  • Profile Editing (/profile): View or update your profile, stored as an HTML file.
  • Profile Viewing (/show_profile): Display your profile by reading the file tied to your username.

The mission? Find a vulnerability and extract the flag—a secret string likely tucked away in a file on the server. Armed with the source code and a hunch, I set out to explore.

Digging into the Code

First, I analyzed the Flask app’s source code to understand how it handled user data and file operations. The /show_profile route caught my eye—it fetched and displayed the user’s profile file based on their session username. Here’s the key snippet (simplified):

def show_profile():
    profiles_file = 'profile/' + session.get('username')
    if os.path.commonpath((app.root_path, abspath(profiles_file))) != app.root_path:
        return "Error: Invalid file path"
    with open(profiles_file, 'r') as f:

What Stood Out

  1. File Path Construction:
    • The path is built by concatenating 'profile/' with the username from the session (session.get('username')).
    • No sanitization was applied to the username—red flag alert!
  2. Security Check:
    • The os.path.commonpath check ensures the resolved file stays within app.root_path (the app’s root directory).
    • It blocks access to files outside the root (e.g., /etc/passwd), but not within it.
  3. Username Freedom:
    • The /register route accepted any username I threw at it—no restrictions on special characters like ...
    • This screamed path traversal vulnerability. If I could control the username, I might trick the app into reading a file outside the profile/ directory—like, say, a flag.txt file sitting in the root directory.

Crafting the Exploit

Path traversal is all about manipulating file paths with ../ to climb up directories. Here’s how it could work:

  • Normal username: alice → File path: profile/alice.
  • Traversal username: ../flag.txt → File path: profile/../flag.txt → Resolves to flag.txt.

The security check would pass as long as flag.txt was inside app.root_path. My hypothesis: the flag was likely stored in the app’s root directory (e.g., /app/flag.txt), and I could reach it with a well-crafted username.

The Plan

  1. Register with a Malicious Username:
    • Use ../flag.txt as the username to point to a hypothetical flag.txt file one level up from profile/.
  2. Log In:
    • Authenticate to set the session with my username.
  3. View the Profile:
    • Hit /show_profile to make the app read and display flag.txt.

Time to test it!

Step-by-Step Exploitation

Step 1: Registration

I headed to /register and entered:

  • Username: ../flag.txt
  • Password: password123 (keeping it simple) The app accepted it without a hitch. My account was created, and I pictured the file path in my head: profile/../flag.txt collapsing to just flag.txt.

Step 2: Login

Next, I logged in using:

  • Username: ../flag.txt
  • Password: password123 The login succeeded, and my session was set with username = '../flag.txt'. So far, so good.

Step 3: Show Profile

I clicked the "Show Profile" link (taking me to /show_profile). The app constructed the path:

'profile/' + '../flag.txt' = profile/../flag.txt → Resolves to flag.txt. If flag.txt existed in the root directory, the app would read it and display its contents. I held my breath and… boom! The page loaded with a glorious string: