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Basics of Git


Git Workflow

What we do on daily basis when using git.We commit changes in repository.In git we have a special area called staging Area or Index which does not exist in most other version control systems.It is essentially what we are proposing for next snapshot.Staging area allows us to review our work before taking a snapshot.We can also un-stage changes from the staging area.The staging area is filled when we use the git add command.When we add the files using the above mentioned command , they are in the staging area i.e. their state is recorded but note that at this point in time no snapshot is taken yet.These are only the changes we are proposing to be committed. The snapshot is taken when we commit those added changes using git commit -m "type message here" command.


Now we commit these changes :


One very important thing to note is that once the files are committed, the staging area does not become empty ! This means that it stores the file1,file2 until another set of files is added or these files are changed and added using git add

Staging Area or Index

Staging files

git status : tells you the status of repository

git add [.] [*.extention] [filename] : staging changes

Committing changes

git commit -m "type message" : commit changes

if we do not use -m tag then git would consider that you want to enter a longer message, so it will open COMMIT_EDITMSG git file so you can add a longer version of the message.


Best practices

  • Commit should not be too big or too small.
  • We don't want to commit after very few changes.
  • The whole point of committing is to have check points to which we can go back, if needed.
  • Commit often, but sensibly.
  • Only commit when you want a state to be recorded.
  • Also commit things that are different , separately. for example you fixed a bug and a typo, u should commit them separately so if one of them needs to be changes or reversed , it can be done easily without affecting the other one.
  • Make meaningful commit messages.
  • Don't do too many things in one thing.

Skipping the staging area

Do this with caution. git commit -am "message" this will directly add and commit the changes to the repository.

File deletion and renaming can be done using simple unix commands or using file manager.

Ignoring files and directories

There are some files or folder which we don't want git to keep track of. To do this we create a file called .gitignore which is a an extension of a blank name. This only works if we have not yet included those files in the staging area.To solve this problem we have to remove those files from staging area. To see what files are present in the staging area we can use the command git ls-files.We can use the git rm --cached -r [file or folder] .

At Github ignore we can see various ignore templates or recommendations for different programming languages. We can use these ignore files rather than making our own every time.

Short Status

git status -s : get a short , to the point status.

Reviewing Staged & Un-Staged changes

git diff --staged : to see what we have in staging area which are going to be committed. But note that these visual are terminal based and difficult to understand.So we can use the GUI alternative such as KDiff3,P4Merge,WinMerge (for windows only) or VSCODE.

Using VScode as our diff tool

  • First we have to tell git that we are using vscode as our default diff tool. To do this type : git config --global diff.tool vscode

  • Next we need to tell git how to launch vscode. git config --global difftool.vscode.cmd "code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE"

you need to define code as environment variable so OS knows we are referring to vscode

  • To check git config --global -e

Now add the following

![[Pasted image 20220311165426.png]]

So that vscode knows these are the commands we are going to use to call it as a diff tool.

After doing all the above steps we can simply use : git difftool or git difftool --staged

We don't use difftools now a days as they are part of working environment by default.

Viewing history

git log : checking all the history of files committed. To close log file press ESC and after that press q separately.

git log --oneline : for a short summary.

git log --online --reverse : for reverse order

Viewing history of a specific commit

We can use the git log command to get the logs.To show a specific commit we can use the commit unique identifier.

git show [id]| [tree] | [tags]

or we can use

git show HEAD~1 to see the last commit.

git ls-tree HEAD~1 : to see all the files and folders in a commit

Un-staging files

git restore --staged [file name]

or to restore everything

git restore --staged .

╭─asif221b@Mac ~/Documents/Webploit ‹main●›
╰─$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
 modified:   docs/.DS_Store
 new file:   docs/Demo.pdf

╭─asif221b@Mac ~/Documents/Webploit ‹main●›
╰─$ git restore --staged .
╭─asif221b@Mac ~/Documents/Webploit ‹main●›
╰─$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
 modified:   docs/.DS_Store

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Discarding local changes

git restore [filename] : this will lead to restore the file , same as that which was stored in staging area.

Restoring deleted file

Suppose we remove a file and then restore it. git rm

Now we check the status git status -s

we see that we have a deleted file.

Now we commit changes git commit -m "delete file"

But we decide to restore it, so we look at history git log --oneline to see what needs to be restored.

git restore --source=HEAD~1

HEAD~1 means the last commit


One of the most important topics in Git. Concepts in branching include

  • Use branches
  • Compare branches
  • merge branches
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Undo a faulty merge
  • Essential tools (stashing, cherry picking)

Branching allows us to isolate work from our main branch so we can work without messing the main branch.We can merge branches with main branch (which contains stable code). We want to separate our messy work from our stable or main branch.

Creating branch

git switch -C branch_name

Comparing branches

From time to time we would want to merge our different branches with the main branch.So, its important to know how to compare both branches to see the difference in both branches.

Suppose we have another branch named bugfix/signup-form

First we check what changes are we going to merge from bugfix branch to master.To see the logs of bugfix branch we will type git log master..bugfix/signup-form

If we want to see the compare the bugfix branch with master we can use git diff master ..bugfix/signup-form

To only see the difference in files we can use git diff --name-status branchname


When we switch branch, git resets the current working directory to the last commit of the branch we switch to, this could lead to the previous work being deleted if we have not committed it in that branch.

In those situations, we can stash those changes (meaning storing them at a safe place) and complete them and commit later. git stash push -m "message here "

And after that we switch to another branch To stash everything git stash push -am "message"

To check stashes : git stash list

now we can switch the branch git switch bugfix/signup-form

to switch back to master again git switch master

After moving back to master , we want to commit those changes we put in the stash earlier. To see those changes git stash show name_of_stash

to apply this stash git stash apply name_of_stash

Now we have applied the stash , so we can remove the files from the stash to clean things up. git stash drop name_of_stash

or to remove all stashes : git stash clear


Merging simply means bringing changes from one branch to another. There are two types of merges in git

  • Fast-Forward Merges
  • Three-way Merges

Fast-Forward Merge

In Git , a branch is just a pointer to a chain of commits, like head pointer pointing to different nodes.What this means is ,when we commit, the head pointer (master branch) will move to the latest commit (or latest node)


In this case above, both bugfix and master branch are pointing to the same commit.Now suppose we switch to bugfix branch and make few commits :

![[Pasted image 20220314194539.png]]

Now we want to bring these changes to master as well.What will happen in the backend is that master branch pointer move fast-forward and will start pointing to the bugfix node i.e. merging the two branches.


Three-Way Merge

Now we will take an example for three way merge. Suppose our bug fix branch is 2 commits ahead of master. But instead of merging these changes with master like in the fast-forward merge, we decide to go back to the master branch and add few changes there as well.So the diagram becomes :


Now both branches are divert, we have some changes in master that donot exist in bugfix and vice versa. Now if we try to merge , git cannot move the master pointer fast forward to point it to the latest bug fix commit.In that case git creates a new commit that combines the changes from both the branches! cool , isn't it?


This new commit is called Merge Commit.



git merge branchname : this will merge the branch to the current branch u are in.

Some people only prefer three-way merge even if fast forward is possible.


Conflicts occur when

  • Same line of code is changed differently in two different branches.
  • If a file is changed in one branch, but is deleted in other branch.
  • If a same file is added twice in two different branches but the content is different.

In these cases git cannot figure out how to merge those changes.

When there is a conflict we need to make changes manually.